GEM’s Competency Framework: Reflective Practice

Embedding continuous learning and development that is informed by past experience.

The “Reflective Practice” category aims to encourage continuous learning and development informed by past experience. The competency statements are listed under three themes:

  • Learning Context
  • Audiences & Participants
  • Heritage Sector Context
  • Professional Development

Learning Context

The “Learning Context” theme competency statements progress towards a keen understanding of the organisational, regional, national and international contexts for learning in the heritage sector, including health, environment and social education as well as topics specific to the organisation’s stories and objects. Foundation-level statements concern awareness of legal requirements, curricula and initiatives relating to their work, and the place that learning occupies within their organisation. Competencies at the Experienced level in this theme develop and deepen this understanding to include policy development alongside starting to advocate for the value of heritage learning. At the Leading level, individuals focus on advocacy, long-term learning strategies and re-evaluating policy in response to sector developments.

Audiences & Participants

The “Audiences & Participants” theme works towards recognising the need for inclusive practice to ensure that provision is developed both for and with members of broad and diverse communities. Foundation-level competencies consider the identification of target audiences including existing and potential audiences from diverse communities. Experienced-level competency statements expand upon this recognition and introduces responsibility for applying best practice to expand the reach of their organisation’s services to broader audiences. At Leading level, individuals help to create an organisational culture of consultation and co-creation with diverse audiences, developing and evaluating an audience development strategy.

Heritage Sector Context

The “Heritage Sector Context” theme intends to help develop understanding of the role, purpose, responsibilities and accountabilities of their organisation and of the sector more broadly. Foundation-level statements look at developing a basic understanding of the sector and its changing role and purpose in society over time, with reference to their organisation’s part in that as well as ethical considerations and responsibilities. At Experienced-level statements focus on the application of this understanding to their day-to-day work. At Leading level individuals gain an understanding of the different governance models for heritage organisations, political context, and using the Museums Association Code of Ethics

Professional Development

The “Professional Development” theme promotes reflection on one’s own practice for the purposes of informing their own professional development, and that of others. Foundation-level competencies develop the importance of reflective professional development, including keeping records and sharing best practice. Statements at the Experienced level concentrate on embedding reflection into the professional development process, and working to support a culture of reflective practice more broadly. At Leading level statements focus on the impact of detailed reflective practice and share expertise inside and outside of the sector, including nationally and internationally.

There is no progression from one category to the next, they are all of equal precedence and can be worked on in parallel.

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