Gweler y wefan Grŵp Addysg mewn Amgueddfeydd ynghylch y prosiect cyffrous GEM/ Llywodraeth Cymru i bennu’r lefel bresennol o ddealltwriaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch cyflwyniad y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru a sut y gall amgueddfeydd ac ysgolion Cymru gymryd y cyfle unigryw ac amserol hwn i gydweithio er lles pawb.

Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi derbyn cyllid gan Is-adran Diwylliant a Chwaraeon Llywodraeth Cymru ac fe’i cyflwynir gan GEM Cymru, gan weithio gydag ymarferwyr lleol ac amgueddfeydd.

Cam cyntaf yr ymchwil hon yw i weithwyr (a gwirfoddolwyr) amgueddfa ac ysgol lenwi arolwg byr fydd o gymorth i GEM ddeall y sefyllfa ac asesu anghenion hyfforddi amgueddfeydd ac ysgolion.

Os ydych chi’n gweithio neu’n gwirfoddoli mewn amgueddfa yng Nghymru, llenwch yr arolwg hwn os gwelwch yn dda:
Os ydych chi’n gweithio mewn ysgol, llenwch yr arolwg hwn os gwelwch yn dda:

Wedi i holl ganlyniadau’r arolwg gael eu dadansoddi, trefnir digwyddiad o hyfforddiant cychwynnol i weithwyr amgueddfa ac ysgol gan GEM yn gynnar yn nhymor y gwanwyn, ynghyd ag argymhellion ar gyfer y posibilrwydd o hyfforddiant pellach a rhannu syniadau i gymryd lle yn y dyfodol.

Mae lle ar waelod yr arolwg i chi adael eich cyfeiriad ebost os hoffech chi gael ymgynghoriad pellach, neu fel arall mae’r arolwg yn gwbl anhysbys.

Please see the GEM website about the exciting GEM / Welsh Government project to determine the existing level of understanding and awareness regarding the introduction of the new curriculum for Wales and how Welsh museums and schools can take this unique and timely opportunity to work together for mutual benefit.

This project has received funding from the Welsh Government Culture and Sport Division and is being delivered by GEM Cymru, working with practitioners and local museums.

The first stage in this research is for the museum workforce (& volunteers) and school staff to fill in a brief survey which will help GEM understand the situation and assess the training needs of both museums and schools.

If you work or volunteer in a Welsh museum, please fill in this survey:
If you work in a Welsh school, please fill in this survey:

Please note that these are the English translations of the surveys linked within the Welsh content of this article, and participants should only fill in one version of the form.

After all the survey results have been analysed, an initial training event for both museum and school staff will be organised by GEM early in the Spring term, along with recommendations for potential further training and idea sharing to take place in the future.

There is a space at the bottom of the survey for you to leave your email address should you wish to be consulted further, otherwise the survey is anonymous.

For more information please contact Robin Johnson at [email protected].