Tincture of Museum

Author: Claire Madge

This blog by an award-winning museum volunteer covers all things museum but has a strong focus on making museums more accessible for children with autism.

One of the strengths of this rich and informative blog is that it combines the perspective of a visitor – a mother of three children, one of whom has autism – with insights drawn from years of being a librarian and a museum volunteer.

The blog covers a range of topics but I’d draw your attention in particular to the posts covering autism-friendly practice which are a great source of practical and strategic guidance.

More general posts exploring leadership, family-friendly practice, volunteering and venue/exhibition reviews (latter are London-centric as Claire lives there) are well worth reading too – this is the perfect tea break read for anyone with a passion for museums and inclusivity.

Do follow Claire on Twitter @TinctureofMuse too.

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