Andrew Ashmore & Associates


South East


Live interpretation
Script writing
Voice over recordings
Live interpretation training
First person interpretation
Site assessment/evaluation


Live interpretation for museums, galleries and historic houses, in person or virtually, through audio and video.

More Details

Andrew Ashmore & Associates have provided high quality, carefully researched live interpretation in situ at a wide range of museums, galleries, historic houses, sites and attractions. Clients include the British Museum, National Archives. National Army Museum, Cutty Sark, Keats House and the Canal & River Trust. In the current situation, with the Covid-19 outbreak, we are seeking to provide these services in different ways, recording ‘interviews’ with historical characters, writing scripts, recording transcripts and archive documents, telling stories and helping our clients develop and maintain an engaging, ever changing and dynamic online presence to combat cultural isolation while their physical sites are closed. On the other side we will be back in galleries, museums and on deck once again, seeking to provide engaging, well-researched and empathetic characters to make the visitor experience special and to enable learning and convey information in compelling and memorable ways.


Andrew Ashmore
4 Bushy Court
20 Upper Teddington Road
Hampton Wick

0208 614 6867
07949 574161
[email protected]
Twitter @AndrewAshmoreAs

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