Tagged with Health and wellbeing

Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) was formed in 2014 to improve awareness of the benefits that the arts can bring to health and wellbeing, and to stimulate progress towards making these benefits a reality all across the country. This Inquiry is into existing engagement of the arts in health and social care, with a view to making recommendations to improve policy and practice.

Museums as Spaces for Wellbeing

The National Alliance for Museums, Health and Wellbeing has launched a free online course: Museums as Spaces for Wellbeing, funded by Arts Council England and Wellcome. This course is aimed at providing advice, tools and guidance on the steps to take in order to develop, deliver and evaluate health and wellbeing work within a museum, heritage or cultural organisation.

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