Join GEM

Current Members – manage your membership here.

GEM membership is open to anyone interested in learning through museums and heritage and is available to both individuals and institutions. This includes museums, galleries, country houses, heritage sites, urban and countryside interpretative centres, science centres, schools and universities.

Our community is a close and active network of people who are passionate about learning in museums, heritage and cultural settings.

GEM Members keep their practice up to the highest standards, discover new approaches, cultivate partnerships and fuel each other’s incredible energy.

To join, please continue to the GEM Membership Portal. 

GEM is committed to supporting the museum learning sector in the UK and globally by keeping any increases to membership fees as low as possible (2.5% in 2024). This increase has not been applied to Concessionary membership to support students and colleagues on lower incomes.

2024 Personal Subscriptions

  • Individual – £61.00 / £5.00 per month
  • Freelancer/Supplier – £88.00 / £7.50 per month
  • Concessionary rate (unwaged/students) – £39.00 / £3.50 per month
  • Supporter – £44

2024 Institutional Subscriptions

Turnover Annual fee
Level 1 Less than £100k £108
Level 2 £100-300k £144
Level 3 £300-1.5m £190
Level 4 £1.5m & above £252

Individual Members

Individual members receive one digital copy of the GEM Case Studies and one hard copy of the Journal, the monthly eNews by email, a discount on training day conference fees, and back copies of publications free of postage and packing charges. They are entitled to vote at general meetings. Individual membership is not transferable.

Institutional Members

Institutional members receive two copies of all printed publications. An unlimited number of staff members and volunteers may receive the monthly eNews and the same discounts as an individual member. Institutions are entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Please note that GEM’s Institutional Membership includes four different levels based on annual turnover. See the table above to self-assess your organisation’s new level.

Freelancer/Supplier Membership

This cost-savings membership includes personal membership as well as a listing on the GEM suppliers page for freelancers and organisations.

Supporter Membership

GEM Supporters receive news about GEM’s activities and a copy of all GEM’s publications. They are non-voting members who do not receive discounts on training events or conference fees. Their subscriptions can be gift-aided.

Join GEM