GEM Case Studies (vol.16) Museums and Schools Working Together

Author: Various - see publication

Owner GEM

Date published May 2016

Case Studies (vol.16) cover image, a girl climbing the ss Great Britain's riggingRead this special edition of Case Studies to gain an insight into the Art’s Council England’s Museums and Schools programme funded by the Department for Education.

We are very grateful to the Arts Council England’s Museums and Schools programme for sponsoring a special edition of Case Studies (vol.16) to share the wide range of approaches and insights arising from the programme.

Download the publication for free here:
GEM Case Studies (vol.16) – Special Edition: Museums and Schools Working Together

It contains:

•   Jamboree days by Sue Miller
•   Designing learning programmes with teachers by Gill Brailey
•   Archaeological science at Flag Fen by Sue Okubadejo, Rachel Gilham and Annette Shelford
•   Creative collaboration: Building relationships with secondary schools by Francis Ranford and
Nicky McIntosh
•   Discover in a Day by Rosalind Meredith and Vicky Rhodes
•   Setting sail for secondary school by Sarah Elder
•   Building a sustainable learning service by May Catt
•   Making a Mark in the Tees Valley by Jenny Phillips
•   Stories from the Sea by Colin Stott
•   Encouraging school engagement by Tali Krikler, Frances Jeens and Mark Watson

Editors: Jo Graham, Gill Brailey and Sarah Elder.
Designed by: Steers McGillan Eves

Find out more about the Museums and Schools programme.

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