Mae Adran Diwylliant Llywodraeth Cymru wedi comisiynu GEM Cymru i greu adnoddau sy’n darparu cymorth dysgu mewn amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru, gyda phwyslais ar y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru.

Bydd GEM Cymru yn ymgymryd ag amrywiaeth o brosiectau megis:

· Cynnig rhaglen hyfforddi a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru sydd wedi ei anelu at staff o amgueddfeydd lleol, archifdai a llyfrgelloedd heb arbenigwr addysgol.

· Hyfforddiant ar sut i addasu rhaglen ddysgu ffurfiol ar gyfer defnydd y teulu a’r gymuned

· Dylunio a dosbarthu pecyn cymorth ‘sut i’ er mwyn i amgueddfeydd lleol fynd i’r afael ag anghenion athrawon sy’n newid

· Sefydlu llwybr critigol i amgueddfeydd ymwneud ag athrawon a myfyrwyr wrth archwilio ystyr a goblygiadau ‘Cynefin’ – y cysyniad o synnwyr o le ar gyfer pob dysgwr a dinesydd y dyfodol.

Yn ogystal, bydd yna raglen ymchwil weithredol yn y pedwar rhan o Gymru, ble gall amgueddfeydd wneud cais am grant bychan i’w cynorthwyo i ddatblygu’r arfer orau a gwaith partneriaeth ac i greu adnoddau ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd.

Bydd GEM Cymru hefyd yn datblygu sesiwn hyfforddiant mewn swydd ‘Cynefin / ymwybyddiaeth o hanes lleol’ i ysgol, i’w ddefnyddio gan amgueddfeydd, archifdai a llyfrgelloedd lleol yn eu cymunedau lleol.

Gall athrawon ddisgwyl cyhoeddi astudiaeth achos ddwyieithog gydag enghreifftiau o’r arfer orau o amgueddfeydd lleol Cymru sydd wedi addasu eu gwasanaethau dysgu yng ngoleuni’r gofynion newydd gan ysgolion.

Mae’r dyfarniad hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn adeiladu ar waith blaenorol a wnaed gan GEM Cymru yn adnabod anghenion a blaenoriaethau cwricwlaidd ysgolion ac amgueddfeydd a fydd yn galluogi’r prosiect i gael effaith sylweddol ar effeithiolrwydd dysgu mewn amgueddfa yng Nghymru.

Dywedodd Dirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon, Dawn Bowden: “Drwy’r gwaith hwn, bydd GEM Cymru yn cynorthwyo amgueddfeydd lleol, llyfrgelloedd ac archifdai ar draws Cymru i addasu a gwella eu gwasanaethau i ysgolion a theuluoedd wrth i’r Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru gael ei gyflwyno. Edrychaf ymlaen yn arw at weithio gyda nhw.”

Dywedodd Essex Havard, Ymddiriedolwr GEM, sydd wedi ei leoli yng Nghymru “Mae GEM wrth ei fodd ei fod wedi gwneud cais llwyddiannus am y cyllid pwysig ac amserol hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a fydd yn galluogi GEM Cymru i gynorthwyo amgueddfeydd Cymru a sefydliadau traws sector i ddarparu gwasanaethau dysgu perthnasol, o safon uchel ac arloesol i’n cynulleidfaoedd.”

GEM Cymru – yw’r grŵp GEM Nation yng Nghymru sy’n cael ei gadeirio gan Dr Nick Winterbotham. Mae GEM, y Grŵp Addysg mewn Amgueddfeydd yn sefydliad ledled y DU sy’n cynorthwyo pawb sy’n darparu dysgu ar draws amgueddfeydd a sefydliadau treftadaeth a diwylliant.

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Chyfarwyddwr GEM [email protected]


The Welsh Government Culture Division have commissioned GEM Cymru to create resources which support learning provision in museums in Wales, with an emphasis on the new curriculum for Wales.

GEM Cymru will be undertaking a variety of projects such as:

· Offering a Curriculum for Wales awareness and training programme aimed at staff from local museums, archives and libraries without an education specialist

· Training in how to adapt a formal learning programme for family and community use

· Designing and distributing a ‘how to’ toolkit for local museums to address the changing needs of teachers

· Establishing a critical path for museums to engage with teachers and students when exploring the meaning and implications of ‘Cynefin’ – the concept of sense of place for every learner and future citizen.

Further, there will be an action research programme in the four areas of Wales, whereby museums can apply for a small grant to help them develop best practice and partnership working and to create new curriculum resources.

GEM Cymru will also be developing a ‘Cynefin / local history awareness’ school INSET session, for use by museums, archives and local studies libraries with their local community.

Teachers can anticipate a bilingual case study publication with examples of best practice from local Welsh museums who have adapted their learning services in light of the new demands from schools.

This Welsh Government award builds on previous work undertaken by GEM Cymru in identifying the curriculum needs and priorities of both schools and museums which will enable this project to have a significant impact on the effectiveness of museum learning in Wales.

Dawn Bowden, Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport said: “Through this work, GEM Cymru will help local museums, libraries and archives across Wales adapt and improve their services to schools and families as the new Curriculum for Wales is introduced. We very much look forward to working with them.”

Essex Havard, GEM Trustee, based in Wales said “GEM is thrilled to have successfully applied for this very important and timely funding from the Welsh Government, which will enable GEM Cymru to help Welsh museums and cross sector organisations provide relevant, high quality and innovative learning services to our audiences”

GEM Cymru – is the GEM Nation group in Wales chaired by Dr Nick Winterbotham. GEM, The Group for Education in Museums is a UK wide organisation which supports everyone delivering learning across museums, heritage and cultural settings.

For further details contact GEM Director [email protected]